Transform Lives

The Surprising Truth About Weight Loss

Weight loss - emotions

If you have ever thought that dieting and exercising is all you need to lose weight for good you are totally wrong! This article will show you the truth about weight loss, everything you need to know about the TOP obstacle to weight loss.

Going on a diet, having a healthy diet and exercise is not enough. This is why most of the diet programs fail. They don’t target the emotional barriers that are preventing you from losing weight and keeping it off.

A survey of over 1300 American psychologists in 2012 shows that EMOTIONS are the TOP obstacle to lose weight.

This proves that you need to address the emotional side that is affecting your ability to reach your perfect weight, to be successful in your efforts.

What is the origin of those emotions that are stopping you from losing weight?

Your brain is an organism that is moved by emotional experiences, and based on the information stored in your memory centre your brain will dictate your food behaviours.

The relationship with food as a child, a teenager as well as your parents’ relationship with food affect your eating behaviours.

Let’s learn the truth about weight loss.

Remember: The number one job of your mind is to keep you safe, no matter what!

How to unlock these beliefs?

After repeating so many times these behaviours and thoughts, it creates a strong imprint in your memory centre that makes it difficult to change it consciously.

You might try to change your habits, but you will notice that gradually you will go back to the old habits.

Fig.1 – The vicious cycle of weight loss

Why does this happen?
You see, because you have a different imprint running at your subconscious level, and when there is a dissonance between conscious and subconscious mind, the subconscious mind always prevails.

The SOLUTION is to target first the emotional barriers, identity the causes that are leading to this behaviour and give better suggestions.

Now, the suggestions given must be aligned with what you want to achieve, which is to reach your perfect weight and maintain it.

With regular practice you will gradually imprint a new set of beliefs in your memory bank that will become the new default beliefs.

As a result, because you now have coherence between both minds, you are in a better position to lose weight and keep it off.

You see, the truth about weight loss is hidden but you can successfully overcome it if you target your emotional barriers first, and this is where I can help.

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How to Be Successful in your Weight Loss Efforts | Transform-Lives Empowering Coaching

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