How to Relieve Stress in 5 Minutes or Less – Part 2

HEALTH is the foundation to live well and STRESS is a real enemy. When you feel burned out or you’re in a point of breakdown simply practice this stress relief natural technique and you will see results immediately.


Over 1,500 views on Tapping posts in one week. AMAZING! I really hope you fall in love with this technique. I know I did! I’m totally thrilled with the results obtained and most important with the interest shown by people to improve their health naturally.


STRESS is not always your enemy. Sometimes it can be an ally. The difference between bad and good stress rests in the frequency you put yourself under pressure, for how long you put your body in alert mode. If you balance stress with intermittent rest your body has time to relax and recover.


The problem occurs when you’re constantly in stress (chronic stress), putting your body in continuous alert. When this happens you experience burnout and breakdowns. Your body will express both physically and emotionally.


But if you balance stress with rest, giving time to your body to recover, it functions with no problem. In fact, stretching yourself regularly signs your body to grow mentally and physically. And in the end you will feel a sense of satisfaction from accomplishment.


Be kind to yourself and treat yourself as you would treat your very best friend.


I heard once someone making this analogy: If your best friend that is in need, asks for your help and you simply ignore or say you don’t have time, do you think that this same person will ask you again? I don’t think so. Your best friend won’t be happy and probably your relationship will change.


The same happens with you! You have to listen to your body, and become more aware of the signs the body sends. Remember, all the negative emotions are better outside your body than inside!


Stress (bad) is just one sign, and if you are open to natural alternatives, techniques, practices you will find Tapping very useful. Tapping is a stress relief natural technique that has shown great result. Read more in my previous post How to Relieve Stress in 5 Minutes or Less – Part 1.



  • Meridian Points

Tapping is similar to acupuncture and acupressure in that it stimulates what traditional Chinese medicine calls ‘meridian points’. It is one natural technique that restores the body’s energy balance, and negative emotions are conquered.


As you know, physical pain and disease are intricately connected to negative emotions. That’s why when you feel anger, hate, jealousy or sadness, you need to bring these feelings out; otherwise you will get sick.


  • Energy

The body, like everything in the universe, is composed of energy. Restore balance to the body’s energy, and you will mend the negative emotions and physical symptoms that stem from the energy disruption.


So, the body’s health must be approached as a whole. You cannot treat the symptoms without addressing the cause, and vice-versa.


  • Literally tap using your fingers

The basic technique requires you to focus on the negative emotion at hand: a fear or anxiety, a bad memory, an unresolved problem, or anything that’s bothering you. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times each on 9 of the body’s meridian points.


Tapping on these meridian points – while concentrating on accepting and resolving the negative emotion – will access your body’s energy, restoring it to a balanced state.


The video below gives you a practical example.

Like everything in life, you need practice to master it and when you do it becomes a habit. So, when a situation occurs,  you instantly know what to do.


Invest time to explore this stress relief natural technique. Nick Ortner, one of my favorite authors, offers great material for you to discover more.


Once you have mastered these skills, you have the control in any situation. In fact, as you will see, Tapping (also known as EFT) not only helps you to improve your Health, but also your Finances, Emotions and much more …


Tapping is a one-of-a-kind technique that creates life-altering results for those who use it.



Stay connected 


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Your Friend,


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