Natural Therapies


Natural therapies -

Natural Therapies are treatments and practices intended to relieve, heal or prevent illness in a natural and holistic way. The aim is not just treat the symptom but rather treat the whole person. Holistic therapists believe in wholeness, that a person is made up of interdependent parts: BODY-MIND-SPIRIT. 



Natural Therapies serve to support your wellbeing and to keep you feeling good. That’s why it is important to maintain regular treatments and practices. In fact, if incorporated in your daily routine even better!


My interest in Natural Therapies started back in 2012 and it has grown since. I started to realise we need to be more PROACTIVE with regards to our health and not wait for the physical and emotional symptom to appear to take action. It might be late!!  It’s your responsibility to care of your body!


Conventional medicine focuses on treating symptoms and leaving behind the causes, whereas Natural Therapies have a more holistic approach including unlocking emotions. Modern science is actually just beginning to realise that emotions do play an important role in physical wellness; emotions suppressed lead to illness.


The feeling that cannot find its expression in tears may cause other organs to cry. –  Marisa Peer.


Both Healing Energies and the power of the Mind are my favourites areas. The concept that everything is energy, we are energy, our mind moves energy, totally makes sense to me. I felt it myself! There were times when I was stressed at work and Tapping was the technique I used to use to unlock and allow the energy flow again.  You can read more here.


The energy needs to keep flowing in our bodies. Any block may cause illness.



Like the DNA that is exclusive to one single person, the same concept applies to your energetic rhythm that is also unique. Actually, this explains why people experience different results doing the same technique.


You need to identify the therapies, techniques, practices that adjust to your personal energetic rhythm and also resonate with you to get the best results. And, once you do that you’re boosting your natural healing ability.


The good news is that there are immense therapies you can choose from that can help you to improve your health. But please note, always do your research, and if you have any health condition talk with your doctor first, just in case.


One of my purposes with my work is also to share Natural Therapies that can promote your natural healing ability and stay more alive, feel more vitality. YES, your body has the capacity to heal itself, it just needs a boost.


In 2017, I invited some experts to share their knowledge and experience and the result was –  Natural Therapies Series 2017. These amazing persons donated their time so you can take an informative decision and start to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF today! Click on links below to learn more.



Natural Therapies Series 2017

Aromatherapy  | Hypnotherapy  | Kinesiology

MindfulnessPellowah | Shiatsu

Tai-Chi & Qi-Cong | Tapping (EFT) | Yoga