How to Improve Your Financial Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing

Financial wellbeing is experienced when you can meet your financial obligations, you make choices that allow you to enjoy life, you have control over your finances, and you have more than enough financial resources that give you security now, and in the future.

Do you live constantly worried about money? What are your thoughts when it comes to money? Do you know that having a good relationship with money is paramount to your financial wellbeing?

In this article, you will learn key concepts that might be affecting your finances right now, and if you start to put them into place you will see very shortly positive shifts.

How satisfied are you with your financial wellbeing?

A recent study commissioned by QSuper (Australia) concluded that ONLY 35% of Australians are satisfied with their financial wellbeing.  Among other top concerns were day-to-day expenses, healthcare costs, housing and retirement. As financial wellbeing is an integral part of overall wellbeing, you can see how lacking financial wellness can affect your mental and physical health. So, it is worth your attention.

Relationship with money and lack of money - Transform-lives

Changing your relationship with money should be your first step to reach financial stability. If you don’t pay attention to your money, you lose its track, and end up not knowing where it goes and worrying if you have enough. It can be the difference between living a life of abundance OR a life of scarcity.

You might have tried some strategies to control your spending in the past, even started to save, but you realised you always come back to the same starting point.

So now you feel frustrated, demotivated, depleted, irritated and fearful about “tomorrow”. Chances are your relationship with money is not healthy and your mind is not set to attract abundance.

What am I doing wrong?

Key concepts around money you need to clear first

  • First of all, you need to learn to be comfortable with the concept and pay attention to money. Why am I saying that? Because I see so many people trapped in negative thoughts about money, and actually it only leads to scarcity.
  • Imagine your relationship with money as any other relationship, that you have to nurture otherwise it doesn’t work. Stop complaining. Start appreciating it.
  • Money is neutral. It’s not good or bad. Money only amplifies who you are or who you are conditioned to be.
    It depends how you use it. For example, if you are a caring kind of person you will use money to do GREAT things for you and others, whereas, if you are egocentric, thinking only about yourself, you will use money mostly for you own benefit. 
    Money does not define you. It only “brings out” your own persona. And your persona is shaped by genetics, by the experiences you have, by the environment you live in, and by the choices you consciously make.
  • Yes, there are differences between those who manifest money easier  and are financially stable and those who are constantly struggling and lacking financial security. The difference resides in your belief system. The GOOD news is that you can shift those negative beliefs about money in your favor anytime. That’s right! Stop thinking if you born in a poor family you are predestined to live a life worrying about the money all the time. Take action.

It is the energy behind money that creates either
happiness or distress.

Are you committed to attract lasting financial wellbeing?

If you answered YES, let’s find out what is interfering in your financial stability. I can help you to improve your relationship with money by FREEING you from those limiting beliefs and EMPOWERING you to a more prosperous and abundant MINDSET.

I can also assist you with your personal budgeting. WHY? Because a budget is as a psychological beneficial as it is financially. It gives you peace of mind that you’re on track and in control of finances, which greatly reduces the stress that inevitably comes with debt. 


I will work with you on your goals and support you all the way until you have the confidence you have mastered the process. Read more about the coaching programs available here .


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