12 Lessons Learnt & Challenges Faced to Achieve Australian Citizenship (Part II)

I AM … two of the most powerful words; for what you put after them shapes your reality. – Bevan Lee

I AM a FIGHTER! When I look back, I see now that I have this inner force that incites me to always go one step further. Unfortunately, the majority of us don’t have the habit to look at our own STRENGTHS and to use them as fuel to MAKE IT HAPPEN. We ALL have amazing fortes! Here is something for you to think about. 🙂


NOW, back to my journey… and if you missed my previous post please click here.
I completed my English and Accounting (Diploma) courses, and with no rewarding job on the horizon, I decided to go ONE STEP FURTHER.  If I was meant to go back home at least I should complete a higher degree. That was something I had in my plans any way, I just hadn’t had the opportunity, YET!


Here I was one step closer to enrol in a Master of International Business. I found it to be the perfect marriage. Living in a world with no virtual frontiers, for me this was the way to go, PLUS I could also apply my work experience gained so far.  It wasn’t disappointing. Money and time well invested!

The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you. – B.B King


At the time I finished my degree I was living in Gold Coast (2012). Staying in Melbourne was draining me! I had 2 solutions: stay and feel stuck or move to another city and embrace another challenge. And you might not believe, but in less than 1 year the Gold Coast Campus closed. How timely was my decision to move, right? In fact, I know now, that difficult time was a WAKE-UP CALL!


Another challenge … here I go! Starting all over again – look for part-time job, and this time was in a coffee shop. Working in hospitality: cafes, restaurants … it is not easy for me. PLUS, some team members I worked with were horrible.  I find though that the majority of people actually find quite easier this kind of jobs, lucky them! At the same time I was looking, again, for that REWARDING JOB!


FINALLY!! After sending a random resume, to a company that also provided Quality Assurance services and was located near my UNI, I was invited for an interview. OMG! It was the 2nd interview I had after being in Australia for over 3 years now. The 1st was in back in Melbourne (2011) done by a great Brazilian woman who gave me the opportunity to do an internship in an international company to support her in the Quality department. Priceless experience!


Lesson 5

Internship program (paid or unpaid) is one great option to get EXPERIENCE and it is a good reference to include in your resume as well. 


TRUST was one key, in my opinion, plus the ability to perform the tasks skillfully. After having been working for about 6 months in the Gold Coast Company and my visa about to expire, I had 2 solutions: ask for a working visa OR go back home. At this point, I was totally comfortable going back because I was taking with me great achievements. But, to go further on my journey in Australia was still on the table. So, I asked for a sponsor and it was ACCEPTED!! If you don’t ask you never know. 🙂


Lesson 6

NETWORK with people in your area of expertise such as local organisations, attend events, meetings, meet-up groups, and use LinkedIn groups for more professional connections. Be always polite and humble.


As a hands-on kind of person I am, I had always organised my visa renewals. I spent a lot of time searching, learning and this exercise eventually became an additional skill. At work, one of my tasks was to support internal employees with visas applications. The only situation I personally engaged with an agent was to apply for permanent residence (PR), at this time I didn’t want to take any risks. Depending on your case, sometimes it’s better to engage an agent because each case is a case.


From here, I was one step close to permanent resident (PR), and it turned into another challenging process. This time I was totally dependent of external factors where I didn’t have any control: immigration approvals, law changes, company’s decision and compliance to sponsor for permanent residence.


Lesson 7

You only have CONTROL over the way you think, the things you do, the decisions you take. And every choice you make has consequences. The only way to avoid negative effects is to take informed decisions, I’ve always done my research. Ignorance is not bliss, but bondage to negative consequences. 


AGAIN, the path to PR was meant to be challenging! I had no doubt! First, the immigration approval, it was successful but for 1 year only, and second, after 1 year renewal the company was not sure about increasing my salary. Thanks to my General Manager – I’m really grateful to her – she made it possible and from there to PR it was a straight road (1 more year).


Lesson 8

Situations arise that can change your course and it did happen when I needed my salary increased. Initially, I was told NO, but fortunately with my GM’s tenacity all came together. At this point, I was in total ACCEPTANCE whatever the outcome would be, and I found myself in peace. There are times you simply need to accept the facts as they are, and LET IT GO to move forward, because better things are to come.


My story continues, and I still have 4 more lessons to share with YOUPart I & Part III.

Stay connected 


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Your Friend,



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