12 Lessons Learnt & Challenges Faced to Achieve Australian Citizenship (FINAL)

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

NOW, 8 years passed and with all these challenges through the way, I close a cycle – I am an Australian Citizen. WHAT’S NEXT?


Career wise, I have to say I shifted my vocation. I’m still passionate about business systems, but now I’m giving it a different use. This wasn’t in my plans, but it seems to be part of my personal journey that I wasn’t aware YET.


I believe there are no coincidences. Back to my journey I see now the key milestones that contributed to be WHERE I am now – the dots as Steve Jobs calls (watch the great video below). That’s why I say over and over to be OPEN MINDED and be ready to TAKE RISKS. It is OUT of your comfort-zone that the magic happens!

Lesson 9

Be OPEN-MINDED because opportunities might come to you not the way you expect and you might miss it. Moving to another country, even if is not to immigrate ALWAYS offers you an opportunity to expand your horizons.


My risks have been modestly controlled, but this is how I am and what my professional experience has taught me – risk management. Still, many times things didn’t happen as I initially envisioned, but I always looked for other ways to get the same results. For example, I took IELTS test 4 times until I got the band score I needed. Other times, I simply had to ACCEPT … maybe things were meant to be like that!


Lesson 10

Do not COMPARE your situation to others. First you don’t know their story, and second you will not get any benefit by comparing.


I worked for almost 5 years in the same company, and when the business started to look promising, suddenly the winds turned 180° and the company board decided to close the office. The facts evolved so fast that and in 1 week all team was out of a job. Facing this situation, I was wondering what next? Then I realised maybe this was another WAKE-UP CALL, for me personally, to take a risk and dedicate 100% to my own project, and TRANSFORM-LIVES born.


Lesson 11

CAREERS can change. Why? Because you change, and sometimes in a way that your current career doesn’t fulfill you anymore. And if you need to learn new things, DO IT. I’ve seen grandparents going back to UNI to purse their goals! There is no limit…


Since then, I’ve learned a lot. Blogging is still new for me but I’m finding it nourishing. Not only I’ve learned new things but it also allows me to be creative. My ultimate GOAL is to INSPIRE YOU to start with baby steps towards an EXTRA-ordinary life.


PLUS, it is my belief that each one of us can make a difference starting around us, and I’m definitely driven to do so. I’d love your COLLABORATION, and together help more people. Your support is PRECIOUS! You can make part of it by SHARING my work, blog posts, and products on my website.


Lastly, experiences are lessons for the future, and it applies to businesses as well as humans. One thing Quality Systems do for a business is to create a structure that allows the business to learn from situations that didn’t go as planned or could be done better. It is called Continual Improvement. Failures must be seen as LESSONS, because there is always room for improvement. Based on this concept, I’ve decided to share with you the key lessons I learnt in the last 8 years. To access to previous lessons click here: PART I – Lessons 1 to 4  AND PART II – Lessons 5 to 8.


Lesson 12

I am a self-motivated person, but I found that not everyone is the same and there are times you will feel defeated. Connect with uplifting people and look for PERSONAL GROWTH material. These are soft skills you learn to strengthen your mind. It will benefit all areas of your life. I am passionate about this, and if you follow my blog you will see it. By the way, I am inviting you to register below and receive my newsletters.


This has been RICARDINA IN AUSTRALIA. 8 years passed, and my partner and I are still here and loving it!  🙂

If you ask about Portugal, well … it still in our hearts, and we’re planning to visit soon.

These trees represent our roots in a new country – Australia.



Stay connected 


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