How I Did at the Age of 60: DETERMINATION

Hopefully, if we worked “long” enough, we’d save enough money to retire at the age of 65. Do we really need to follow the traditional path? When we’re continuously trading time for money throughout our lives, time is limited for pursuing the things we’re passionate about. This could be a hobby we love, giving back to the community or building something that could have a real impact in the world.


OK, we all know Generation Y approaches work very differently – the job should not be your life (read more on “Are Millennials Delusional?”), but what about the previous generations, isn’t there any hope for us?


YES, THERE IS! It is amazing to see the courage of individuals from my generation or even older to step up and rediscover a new path. Today I am pleased to share a story of an AMAZING DETERMINATION of a woman I had the privilege to meet and be friends with. At the age of 60 she still has a BIGGER purpose to help and inspire who come across in her life.


MY GUEST:  Eva Bergstrom, a successful Make-Up Artist in the past, and now a MLM top leader.

“Imagine a business woman, owner of a beauty salon right in the heart of the City of Sydney, living a luxury life and engaged to an amazing man.



This is WHO I was just 3 days prior to my wedding day. Yes… my promising future, full of happiness just turned 180 degrees around. The loss of a loved one is excruciating!!

From that moment everything changed dramatically.


I was feeling lost and confused so I decided to go to a Buddhist Temple to meditate and for 2 years I believed that was my purpose in life – become a Buddhist nun. With this new joyous decision, I diligently meditated all day long but soon realised that the path I was going down wasn’t for me, it started to feel like an escape from life.



I then returned to what people would consider a normal life, and without any money or any material possessions which I had let go in first place. I found though that, through understanding the Buddha Law a spiritual side of my life blossomed.


My life was shaped by diligently practising meditation and reading daily the Buddha Law which allowed me to go down the path of letting go of my ego. It also allowed me to focus on all of my old beliefs that didn’t serve me on where I wanted to go in my life, and for the first time I started to see the real me.

With this total transformation of my inner self I decided to train as a Medical Herbalist and after studying several years I realised it was time for me to move on from there. I also found myself with a $20,000 credit card debt and I had to urgently find a way to pay it back. This then led me down the path of working as a makeup artist in film and TV industry.


I enjoyed this new career and became very successful, well known and was voted the best makeup artist in Australia. I decided to put my head down and put all my energy into my work for 4 years until I had paid off my credit card debt as well as saved the deposit for a property. Hard work didn’t stop there; those who have mortgages know the hardest times are those first 4 years.



I used to calculate how old I would be when I would be finished paying off the mortgage. At the time I was 56 and I worked out that I would probably be around 80 years old when I would have my mortgage paid off. 80 years??? OMG!


Although, I was happy with my day to day job as a make-up artist, my body was starting to show signs that I needed a break. I felt that I had come to a dead end financially and physically. I was in an excellent position within my profession, but I found the cost of living constantly rising and my income was not enough to survive on.

Life is interesting on how it allows you to meet certain people when you need to.


I then met a lovely lady who was a Medical Herbalist, who shared a home business opportunity she was involved in. I immediately and intuitively felt that was for me. It was something I felt deep down in my gut. I believed that this would give me the financial future and freedom that I was looking for. As I stopped for a minute and looked back over the last 10 years, I felt even more tired knowing what I had gone through as well as excited at the prospect of this opportunity knocking on my door.


I told myself that this was my last chance to make something out of my life financially and from that moment I decided to put in 110% into my home based business and allowing NOTHING to get in my way.


I would often say to myself that it will be 2 years out of my life for the future I wanted. I decided to put the rest of my life on hold until I got to where I wanted to be, and IT WORKED.

These days, I live a life with more CHOICES. I bought a house in a beautiful place, I also bought my dream car, and lastly,  I am in a position to help others financially as well. PLUS, I have developed a wonderful circle of friends with this business, and they are part of my purpose and life NOW. I am so GRATEFUL!

So please, don’t tell me this business model doesn’t work!!”


ARE YOU looking to live a life with more CHOICES? GREAT…send me an email HERE to get more information. Or click on the button and stay connected.


AND, If you know anyone who would find this useful, could you please share with them?

Your Friend,



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