How to Unlock Your Health with Aromatherapy

Natural Therapies Aromatherapy -

Are you a busy woman wanting an easy, natural way to live well?  So, Aromatherapy and essential oils are for you!


Aromatherapy is natural healing using aromatic plant extracts (essential oils) often in gentle massage and inhalation to support your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.


As part of a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, including balanced nutrition and reducing exposure to environmental toxins, you can be beautifully supported in living well with daily use of aromatherapy and essential oils.


The combination of gentle application techniques and the therapeutic properties of essential oils supports your body’s own ability to improve wellbeing.



Aromatherapy can help you:

• Maintain quality sleep
• Reduce stress and tension
• Manage challenging emotions
• Boost the immune system
• Support the body to eliminate chemicals and toxins
• Reduce pain and inflammation
• Increase energy and focus
• Support youthful aging, and much more



Tip 1 – Just Breathe to Let go of your Stress

It is well known that emotional stress can negatively affect health and wellbeing.  I’m sure there are times in your day when you could use a little help to “just let go”.


When you need some instant calminhale an essential oil directly from the bottle, or place two drops on a makeup swab or tissue and take a few slow, deep breaths. Mandarin is an oil of choice for this purpose. It can take you from feeling chaotic to composed.


To create a relaxing atmosphere in your home or work space, use essential oil blends in a diffuser. Place up to six drops of essential oil in water and enjoy the beautiful aroma.


  • To be Calm: blend 2 drops mandarin, 2 drops lavender and 2 drops roman chamomile
  • For Clear thinking: blend 2 drops lemon, 2 drops of petitgrain and 2 drops basil



Essential oils Safety tip 

Always use 100% pure essential oils from trusted suppliers, not fragrant or synthetic oils and follow safety guidelines. Use your diffuser for up to 1hr, three times a day for therapeutic benefits in a well-ventilated room.


Tip 2 – Take an Aromatic Foot Bath

You’ve had a busy day, you are feeling tired and strung out and don’t have time for a full bath.  To relieve tired aching feet, blend 1 drop of lavender, 1 drop of geranium and 1 drop of bergamot, with 1/3 cup of magnesium chloride bath salts and 6mls of cold pressed organic coconut or vegetable oil.


Add the essential oil blend to a warm foot bath. Soak tired feet for twenty minutes, close your eyes and take some deep breaths to inhale the essential oil aroma. This will reduce swelling in your ankles, legs and/or relieve aching muscles and ease an overburdened mind, restoring balance.

Essential oil safety tip

Never put undiluted essential oils directly onto your skin. They are very concentrated and can cause sensitivity. Citrus oils such a bergamot can be photosensitising meaning treated skin has a greater risk of sunburn.


Some essential oils should not be used in massage or the bath during pregnancy and some are not safe to use with young children, babies and with some medications and/or medical conditions; please do your research and/or consult a qualified Aromatherapist if in any doubt.


If you are pregnant it’s best to enjoy the benefits of essential oils via diffusion unless you are under the care of a qualified Aromatherapist.


Tip 3 – Relax, Rejuvenate and Restore

When you are emotionally drained and/or in pain, regular Aromatherapy massage with essential oils can help. Essential oils such as bergamot, chamomile, jasmine, lavender, neroli and rose allow the body and mind to deeply relax and release emotional/mental stress.


Essential oils such as rosemary, black pepper, marjoram, lavender, ginger, peppermint, fragonia and kunzea are helpful for relieving physical pain and inflammation. B group and C group vitamins, ginseng and aromatic baths in between massage are also beneficial.

The great thing about having an Aromatherapy massage with a qualified Aromatherapist is that she/he can select the most appropriate essential oils and carrier oils to meet your specific aroma preferences and health and wellbeing needs.


Aromatherapy can be enjoyed in home massage as well. It can be as simple as diluting up to 5 drops of essential oil in 10mls of carrier oil and massaging with broad gentle strokes into the tight or painful area.


Essential oil safety tip

If you are dealing with prolonged stress, anxiety, depression or a chronic health issue, you should also seek assistance from your general practitioner or other health care professional.



About Kim

Kim Ellis is a natural health professional and founder of Living Well Essentials Aromatherapy and Massage, a business she started in 2014 to pursue her passion for aromatic health and wellbeing.

She’s loved aromatic plants and herbs ever since childhood, spending time “just being” in her grandmother’s garden. Aromatic plants have been a powerful way to reduce stress, improve wellbeing and reconnect to the sweetness in life, for generations of women in her family.

As a qualified Aromatherapist, Kim works with busy entrepreneurial women to help them improve their health and wellbeing with gentle natural therapies incorporating essential oils and massage. “It’s about opening to your beautiful conscious heart, prioritising self-care as a necessity, so that you can stay focussed, maintain energy and vitality to avoid overwhelm and burnout.” To contact Kim please visit

Kim inspires and educates women to live from the heart with compassion and conscious self-care. To attend her next meetup click HERE.


If you would like an Aromatherapy clinical consultation and discover how it can help you, schedule an appointment with Kim below:


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