How to Unlock Your Health with Mindfulness

Mindfulness -

“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn.


My definition of mindfulness is being in the moment, being aware of what you’re doing and what you’re thinking. We all have busy lives and it’s easy to slip into autopilot and eat, work, sleep, repeat and life passes us by.


I don’t want to live my life like that anymore!



It is hard to be fully in the moment. We live in a hectic world where everyone is busy juggling work and life and we want everything to be instant. We spend a lot of time in our heads, reminiscing about the past or trying to predict the future, rarely are we present and in the moment accepting things just as they are.


Mindfulness and meditation are the same thing and I use the words interchangeably. However, there are two parts to Mindfulness: formal mindfulness is the sitting in meditation part and informal mindfulness is paying attention in everyday life.


Mindfulness teaches us to be present and aware of distractions and how to gently return to the moment.  In the beginning, we have to do this a hundred times, with practice, it becomes easier and easier.


This is the same in formal meditation, we focus on the breath and observe the thoughts as they come and go across our minds. When we are distracted, we kindly and gently return to the breath, again and again.



More than 20 years ago, I was very pregnant with our second child, stressed and exhausted. Mountains were becoming mole hills and I needed to do something. I had practiced yoga, deep relaxation and visualization for more than 10 years but I needed a bit more.


Late one Saturday afternoon I went to The Relaxation Centre of QLD to their 30-minute-Deep Relaxation class. We sat in chairs and I spent the next 30 mins watching my thoughts come and go across my mind, trying not to fall asleep or worse, out of the chair.


Of course, I thought I hadn’t done it properly but when I left I felt amazing, energized and calm at the same time. Needless to say, I was hooked and I started a daily practice. I established a routine pretty quickly, some days I fell asleep, most days I didn’t and while I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right, I continued to practice and it felt good.


The accumulative effects of my daily practice were obvious to me and to those around me, the mole hills were no longer becoming mountains. This meditation thing was a very effective way to manage my emotional stress.


10 years ago I was diagnosed with a very big brain tumour, thankfully it was benign. Life changed in an instant, I had one week from diagnosis to surgery and I was feeling very stressed. I knew I had to be calm for the surgery and recovery. As well as replacing the coffees and chocolate with carrot juice I spent a lot of time meditating.


I felt empowered because I was doing something for me, not just relying on or asking for medication to keep me calm. Having 3 kids, 8 and under, the only place I could be was in the moment, for them and for me. It was a waste of time thinking about the past, and the future was kinda scary.

My surgery was successful, however, during the recovery I had a few panic attacks. Mindfulness helped me to take refuge in the moment, again and again, I am grateful to have this tool that I can use anywhere, anytime.


Meditation has been and is my “go to” during times of enormous stress and serious health issues. It’s not an instant fix but it gives me space between the action and reaction.



Here are a few easy ways:

Stop multitasking. Do one thing at a time with your full attention, when you notice your attention wandering kindly and gently bring yourself back to the task at hand. While you may not get more done, you will do a better job.

Eat a meal mindfully. Put down your phone and focus on the food, the taste, texture and smell, eat with deliberate attention.

• Dance, run, yoga, swimming all require your attention, your presence and awareness.

Wake up mindfully, take your time, stretch, feel into your body, feel your whole being waking up.

Smile and feel, really feel your face come alive!


For a formal practice I suggest a class or short course. Apps are good, find one that you like and use it daily or simple sit in a comfortable position, eyes closed and focus on your breath. Count the breath in for 3 and out for 5. If you get kidnapped by a thought, gently and kindly return to your breath.

Try to meditate at the same time each day, whatever works for you, then it becomes a routine. 15- 20 minutes is good.


Everyone can meditate, with consistent practice Mindfulness Meditation will benefit you and those around you.



Some of the benefits of Mindfulness are:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Better sleep patterns
  • More joy and happiness
  • Improved health
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased compassion, acceptance and equanimity



After working with Kate, I began to create a calmness that I can now access for myself.  – Michelle

Using the techniques Kate teaches has given me the tools to be more focussed, to be more mindful and to sleep better – all of which is gold. Even my husband has commented on how less stressed I am. – Vicki

… after learning mediation, I feel so in control and focused, and at the same time calm and relaxed yet I’m getting more done than I ever did. The difference is quite amazing. – Jo


About Kate

Kate has a Yoga Teachers Association (I.Y.T.A) Diploma, a Mindfulness Diploma from The Centre of Excellence, completed The Power of Awareness online training course with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield in 2016 and has Reiki Level 1 & 2 training. She has been practicing meditation for more than 20 years and teaching for about 10.

Currently, Kate teaches a weekly class in Moggill, a Monthly class in Graceville, she also facilitates 4 week courses for Mindfulness Works Australia and delivers individual 1:1 tailored packages of 4 sessions via Zoom. To contact Kate please visit


If you would like to experience Mindfulness you can download below 3 short audios that I’ve created and can easily be fitted in your busy schedule.


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Your Friend,



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