How to Unlock Your Health with Shiatsu

Shiatsu -

More than three quarters of participants had reduced the intake of medicine as a result of having Shiatsu. 

These are some of results of a study conducted in 2008 across three countries: Austria, Spain, and the UK. 948 people took part and had treatment from a shiatsu practitioners. Participants also reported a reduction on problems with muscles, joints, or body structure, and tension or stress relieve – (2008 Study).


Shiatsu is another Alternative Therapy that helps to spark your internal healing energy. It is great for maintaining general wellbeing. People who are busy, fatigued, or stressed can manage these symptoms with Shiatsu treatments.



Zen Shiatsu Therapy is a healing technique developed by the Japanese Master, Shizuto Masunaga. Shiatsu literally means finger pressure. It is a form of body work that balances the meridian system. Meridians are defined channels of energy that run through the body. Each meridian relates to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the person.


The energy known as ki or chi runs through the meridians. There can be too much or too little ki in each meridian. A Shiatsu treatment balances the ki in the meridians. By balancing the meridians the root cause of a condition is treated. This promotes the body’s natural healing abilities and over-all wellbeing is improved.


The underlying assumption of Shiatsu is that the body is always finding ways to correct and balance itself. The body has a natural ability to heal itself. The practitioner is simply giving the body the best conditions for self-healing to occur.


During a Shiatsu treatment the client remains clothed. Loose comfortable clothing is best. The practitioner will diagnose the patient using a variety of techniques. These identify which meridians are out of balance. The practitioner then uses varying pressure with palms, thumbs, elbows, forearms and knees to help balance the clients meridians.


Stretches and joint rotation can be used throughout the treatment to release tightness and tension in the body. Heat may also be applied to affected pressure points. This can be done through moxibustion or sticky pads.


After the treatment a combination of Yoga, Meditation, Diet and Lifestyle changes may be prescribed to continue the process of balancing the system.


Shiatsu is excellent for general health maintenance and as a preventative therapy.



Conditions that can respond well to Shiatsu treatment include:

• Asthma
• Back, neck and shoulder pain
• Constipation
• Depression
• Digestive problems
• Fatigue
• Headaches and migraine
• Insomnia
• Menstrual issues
• Menopausal symptoms
• Sciatica
• Sports injuries
• Stress and anxiety



Specific pressure points or self massage can be used for certain conditions. For example, a lung condition can be helped by Self-Shiatsu.

• Sit in a comfortable position on the floor or in a chair with feet flat on the floor.

• Create loose fists with the hands and lightly tap the sternum, around the rib cage.

• Then fold forward, taking the head toward the floor and then tap on the back of the ribs.



This helps to energise the lungs and is best done first thing in the morning. Even if there isn’t a lung issue, it helps to wake you up in the morning. Activate the lungs and allow the lungs to take in more oxygen, which in turn allows the body to function optimally.


A qualified Shiatsu Practitioner can tell you the best practices and pressure points to help alleviate your specific conditions.



My most profound experience with Shiatsu came when I was when I was studying Shiatsu. One day, I woke up quite unwell with the flu. I was supposed to go to work but I was so unwell, I called in sick. I decided to have a Shiatsu. Half way through the Shiatsu, I felt a change in my body. When the treatment was finished, all my flu symptoms were gone. If my boss had seen me afterwards he would have thought I had chucked a sickie, but I hadn’t! 🙂


The feedback from some of my current clients is that Shiatsu has helped alleviate pre-menopausal and menopausal symptoms. It can help reduce symptoms such as bloating and hot flushes –either during the treatment or soon after. Many people use Shiatsu to manage menopausal symptoms.


Some of my clients use Shiatsu to manage back or hip pain. People with chronic pain or people who need to manage long term conditions resulting from an accident or injury find regular treatments help manage their symptoms and keep their pain at bay.


About Liama

Liama has been a Shiatsu Practitioner for 17 years. She trained with Jack Marshall at the Zen Renaissance Centre in Bondi Junction. She is a registered member of Shiatsu Therapy Association, Australia, and registered Level 2 Teacher with Yoga Australia.

Liama owns her own clinic and Yoga studio in Dee Why. She believes in empowering her clients with the knowledge to understand their own health and to give them the best tools to use as and when they require. More details can be found at



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