A New Beginning

Today is a BIG DAY!

I am so excited with this project. It has been a long run but it is finally ready. I have been working on this project for a while, and it all started with the idea to do something to provide me joy, with the potential to help others with a similar mindset – people who are really committed to take their lives to another level, and generate income around it. How cool is that!


Since I decided to take action all the pieces have started to come together, like a puzzle. I cannot say that the process has been clear and easy all the time, but with time the picture became clearer and it was worth every single step I took, every minute I spent.



We can read about this topic over and over, and still not understand the power behind it. Well… at least that’s what happened to me! Until you experience its power it is difficult to imagine and believe the impact that it can make on you. CONFIDENCE and BELIEF in yourself and in what you are doing were the two drivers for me. On the way I had doubts, felt lost BUT would take inspiration from other people, readings; and listening to audios to empower me.


It all happened for me when I decided to do something else besides my corporate job. I started with a vague idea but a strong decision that I needed to do something to change the mundane routine that my life had become. To do something GREATER.


In this process, taking action is paramount, even if they are only baby steps. And have the courage to step up and start to do things outside your comfort zone. I was not always comfortable, but I need to fight this fear that will not take me anywhere, and I am now on the way to reach my full potential. Just like I’ve learned during my RTT course, “make the uncomfortable comfortable and the comfortable uncomfortable” to set yourself up from the crowd.



Once I made the decision and started to work towards my goal, I saw myself wake up many times with ideas popping in my mind, other times during my walks on the beach. To not lose these precious visions, one of my routines now is to record everything so I won’t forget. These ideas might not be all feasible or at least not for now, but some are and I can always come, revisit these insights and learn from that.



tickWhat do you really want from your life? Be | Do | Reach. Find the big picture and put it on your vision board. The universe will start to guide you in that direction. Keep an open mind.

tickEveryday think: what can I do to reach my goals? Take action daily – meet someone new, read an article, find people that have what you are looking for and connect. Be open minded. Step by step your path will become clearer.

tickWhen things don’t go as you expect:  Acknowledge, Accept the facts, and Let it Go. As soon as you do that, you can move on. Find new opportunities.



If you keep doing the same things, guess what?
The chances are that you will be in the same position as you are today. The choice is YOURS!

Your Friend,




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