How Can You Bulletproof Your Relationship?

Did you know, in Australia (2013), 77% of marriages took place after the couple had lived together? Cohabitation preceding marriage is an option for couples starting to know each other in a more intimate milieu, but if these same couples don’t learn how to nurture the relationship the marriage is doomed to FAIL.


Today I am sharing Nathalie’s personal story. Nathalie is a passionate young woman, wife, and mother who in some point in her life felt insecure, not enough loved – I believe some of us will resonate with this – nevertheless she didn’t give up. Instead, she searched for answers, and that exercise actually converted in a business idea – helping other married mothers fall back in love with their husbands.


GUEST BLOGGER:  Nathalie Biviano  – Helping women live in remarkable marriages.


Adulting has left us to go about accumulating-achieving-succeeding-surviving in the pursuit of happiness, and too often we can ride the MONOTONOUS merry-go-round of life without a conscious thought of the WHY. Throw kids and a mortgage to the equation; the foot barely comes off the accelerator.


At some point, we run out of fuel and are forced to stop. This is a good thing because the bigger questions come to surface. What am I doing this for? Is this making me happy? Is my soul being fulfilled? Some of us have one worded answers, and carry on. Others, like you I imagine, explore a little deeper.
And yes, I fall in the latter, too.
My first baby arrived in 2011. The rudest shock post baby: the evaporation of emotional intimacy between husband and I. I remember feeling alone, unappreciated and desperate to know where the guy who adored me went.
So of course I asked Google: “Why doesn’t he love me the way he used to?” (True story)


And that’s when I searched deeper and deeper for ways to bullet proof my marriage. Read and Read. Listened and listened. Bought courses, listened to podcasts, borrowed books, attended workshops, became a master student of world experts in the game of love + marriage. After applying the material, I got that guy back. Since then, I have become obsessed with NURTURING important relationships, and now I teach others to do the same.


Relationships are the strongest single predictor of human joy and well-being. –  Dr Sue Johnson’s Love Sense (2013).


Dr Sue Johnson asserts “the last couple of decades we have increased the hours we spend working, so much so that the line between work and personal time has all but disappeared. Discussions of why love dies often seem to miss the obvious: without time and attention all relationships evaporate. Now we have to consciously decide to swim against the tide of non stop multitasking to turn toward those we love”.
In other words, Dr Johnson is asking us to PRIORITISE and assign our time better.


In between paying bills, birthday parties, soccer practice, report deadlines and the Easter hat parade, how do we really subscribe this academic intelligence into our lives? It is not easy. Nor is it that hard.


I believe when things are right in our marriage, we’re unstoppable. And I know I can help you to fall back in love with your husband. I invite you to click on the link below to book a FREE “Get It Off Your Chest Session” to see if we can work together to transform your marriage.




About Nathalie

Nathalie helps committed married mothers to fall back in love with their husbands. She helps them create a marriage they’re proud of; the one where you look at each other *like that* again. Her mission is to help women live in remarkable marriages.

Nathalie believes when things are right in our marriage, we’re unstoppable. We’re generally happier people. Happy people make better decisions and accomplish more. They help more people. And that’s the world I envision for our children. Find more at:


Get inspired with the stories I share in this place!

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Your Friend,




– Dr Sue Johnson. Love Sense. The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships. Hachette Book Group, 2013.
– Australian Institute of Family Studies, (viewed 27/03/17)

6 Replies to “How Can You Bulletproof Your Relationship?”

  1. What a fantastic post! I can identify closely with always being on the go and probably not priorising myself as best as I could. Awesome insights Ricardina, thanks for sharing x

    1. Thank you Camela. All starts with the YOU. You are in a better position to assist others when you first take care of yourself.
      Like in an aircraft emergency situation – the passenger should always fit his or her own mask on before helping others requiring assistance.

  2. Prioritizing your relationship is everything. Without it, everything else starts to fall apart! Thanks for sharing. x

    1. So true Marlene. Spending more time with those that are important in your life is paramount. Without time and attention all relationships evaporate. Your happiness depends on it.

  3. Wow! This is an amazing post! I think we all can benefit from this information. Prioritization helps me a lot to make sure the things don’t fall through the crack. I also have a dedicated time to end work. 12 years strong

    1. Thanks Latoya, you seem to be well organised. Definitely defining priorities helps us to do more meaningful work, not get distracted and value time more.

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