Living a Fortunate Life

Is 50+ too old to become an ENTREPRENEUR? Age is not a barrier to anything, especially not to success in a new career. It is never too late to move forward, whatever your ambitions are. In fact, “The entrepreneurial path is a great place for women to make career rules the way they see them.” – says Kraus.


To close the month of March, here it is another story about a woman who stopped to rediscover herself after being diagnosed with BREAST CANCER, and decided to take one step further in her career.

Lorena is a positive and energetic woman that I had the privilege to meetting recently and who impressed me by taking charge and living her life on her own terms.


GUEST BLOGGER:  Lorena Chiappara – Home Selling Specialist and Author.


How lucky are we … to be women int his country and in this era?

I came after the generation of women who had to quit their jobs once they married – because a woman’s role was to care for her husband and children – and before the current generation who are totally independent and self-sufficient.


As the eldest of 4 girls to migrant parents, I have carried the mantle of responsibility all my life.  I have also run my own businesses since I was 20 along with being a wife, mother, daughter and sister.

And like most of my generation, EVERYONE ELSE CAME FIRST – their needs more important than my own.


Then something happened. Something 1 in 2 people in the western world are going to have to deal with…Cancer. Breast Cancer in my case, but again, I was lucky. I had a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery – no chemo or radiation… again so VERY LUCKY!

I like to say I had boob job….Happy days!!!

But along with that ‘boob job’ came a shift in what I was content to accept for myself. I found myself testing my boundaries, needing to redefine what I wanted for myself firstly, and then for my family.


I am so blessed: I have a loving and supportive husband and son, so it was more about working out what I really wanted to do with my life – finding MY WHY – something that had evaded me for a very long time.


No longer content to play it safe and not rock the boat, I left the security of working as a real estate agent for a large franchise company to go out as an independent agent under the umbrella of a new and exciting real estate company.


Now, in my Fabulous 50’s, I am embracing social media, videos, blogging, and my own website. I even wrote my own book on ‘How to sell your home for Top Dollar.’


I found myself working with homeowners who appreciated the fantastic sales prices I could achieve for them and in record time frames – by doing things differently from other agents. By doing things my way…and I loved it.


Suddenly, I was in charge of my OWN DIRECTION and it was as though the universe was now acknowledging and rewarding me for my bold shift…lots of new clients and great sales.


For the first time in my life, I woke each morning eager and excited for what the day would bring.


I look back on the last eighteen months since hearing the ‘C word’ and give thanks for everything that has led me to this point in time. It would have been easy to allow that hiccup to have crippled me, to have stymied my true potential. Instead it gave me the COURAGE TO TAKE HOLD OF MY LIFE AND FIND MY AUTHENTIC SELF.


I have been blessed on so many levels, and eagerly look forward to this new and exciting life where I am solely in charge of my own destiny, on my own terms.


If you would like to know more about what I do, or for your own copy of my book …


E: F: Lorena Licensed Real Estate Agent | LinkedIn: Lorena Chiappara



About Lorena

Lorena is a home selling specialist and author. She works with clients who are looking for a positive real estate experience and a premium sales price.  She’s adamant that proper presentation of your home for sale is the only way to achieve phenomenal results.

Lorena provides a system to show them how to increase that price by using her team of professionals to take their property to a whole new level. This has meant her clients have consistently achieved far higher sales prices – often setting record street prices.


Get inspired with the stories I share in this place!

Stay connected 


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Your Friend,



– Kathleen McGinn (2012), (viewed 31/03/17)


4 Replies to “Living a Fortunate Life”

  1. I love this inspiring story. Thank you so much. To wake up excited each morning and be bold enough to step out and take charge is a story that needs to be shared.

    1. Thank you Debra. Lorena’s energy is contagious. Totally inspiring!

  2. What an encouraging and empowering story – such a genuine story and as someone who’s in their early 20’s, I feel I can learn a lot. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you Veronica. Stories like these are an inspiration to never settle for less. Pursuit your passion. I know you totally understand that. Go girl!!!

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