How to Completely Change Repeating Patterns

Repeating thought patterns -

Repeating patterns is a mind thing. The mind doesn’t like change. Your subconscious mind is a habit mind. It repeats the same habits over and over again. That’s why your behaviours today are the same as yesterday, same as last week, the same as last year. The same as the last 10, 20, 30,… years!


It doesn’t represent a problem if the result of those repeating patterns leads you to the life you want, the life you desire. However, many times is not the case. But you can change that!



1- Relationships

You’ve been attracting and dating the same kind of partners and you are looking for someone different!


2- Third-party influences

You see yourself repeating the same old habits your parents had, and it doesn’t serve you anymore. It’s not supporting you to live your life the way  you want.


3- Recurrent scenes

You’ve noticed a pattern continuously repeating through your life every time you decide to do something major, and you want to change it. You immediately say to yourself: “I know I can do it, but it is going to be hard, as with me it is always the hard way.”  This is a preconceived belief ingrained in your mind.



You feel frustrated, you lose hope, you feel depressed, with no energy because you don’t know what else can be done.


You’ve tried to change but you always come back to the same point. You end up accepting and settling to your current life. You feel powerless!

Feeling powerless -



Your mind’s first job is to keep you safe, ALIVE. This is your programming by default – survival. It comes with you when you are born. All the other programming is acquired through your life.


Your mind likes what is familiar. It will always, always focus your attention on what it knows, because it brings certainty, familiarity and by doing so it doesn’t need to make any changes to the current programming.  Your mind is resistant to change.


The mind knows, if you’re still alive it means whatever is your current situation, it’s safe and it is better to keep it as it is. It assumes that it is for your best interest. In reality, your mind cannot distinguish between good or bad, right or wrong. It simply is!


Think about your mind as a computer which stores files with information and has the ability to process amazing amounts of information per second.


The power of your subconscious mind is incredible,
when used correctly.


It’s true. The power of your subconscious mind is amazing, but if the programming, the information stored doesn’t support you it can become your number 1 enemy.


You might consciously want something but if your unconscious mind has a different opinion, different information stored, the unconscious mind wins. And since those two minds (conscious and unconscious) are not in alignment you stay stuck to what is stored in your unconscious mind, what is familiar to you.



1- Relationships

Your mind thinks that being with the same type of partner is safe, you’ve been in the past and you’re still alive. So, must be ok.


Now, imagine you’re dating a different kind of person. Your mind goes: I don’t recognise this type. Is not familiar. I must try to get rid of it.


In this moment, your unconscious mind is working in ways to keep you away from the new relationship. Different things can happen including starting to feel physically uncomfortable, to focus your attention on the negatives of that person, and now you have a reason to leave the scene and come back to your comfort zone. Your unconscious mind says: Task accomplished! Now you’re protected, safe.


2- Third party influences

Your mind thinks that following your parents’ habits, behaviors it’s safe. You’re still alive! So, it’s for your best interest (according to your mind) to keep it as it is. Familiarity brings certainty to your mind.


Now, imagine this amazing mum always putting the family first, caring for others, trying to fix all the issues to keep the family together. If you’re her daughter you end up repeating the same behaviours, have the same beliefs. Why? Because your mind has stored all that information, all those experiences. So, when it comes to your own family, children and husband you already know what to do: the same as you mum did.


That’s all fine until you think otherwise. You might find that same habits, same behaviours actually don’t support you, maybe they are out-of-date. The world is always changing, and the needs, the perspectives also change. It doesn’t mean it is right or wrong, it is now just a different context.


Process in the Mind - Transform-Lives

When you start to think and do differently, your unconscious mind will tell you (through thoughts and emotions) that it’s wrong, and it will bring to your attention all sort of problems and issues to put you off of progressing into new behaviours.

This is the moment you might not think twice and go back to the old pattern and continue being unhappy. Because that is what is familiar.


3- Recurrent scenes

Your mind thinks it’s normal to face struggles in life and to work hard every time you have a plan. In fact, it thinks there’s no other way! You have seen it happening to others, you’ve experienced it in the past and you’re still alive right? So, it’s ok!! Again, it is familiar, and your mind likes what is familiar.


It is common for your mind to already be expecting things to go wrong, in order to make your work harder and break the sense of peace. You often think, “everything was going so well, but I was expecting something to happen, it was too good to be true. With me everything is the hard way”.


It’s the process – your mind thinks. BUT IT IS NOT! It does not need to continue to be like this. And you know now you can change it!


Thoughts are energy, and what you think you attract, they say. So, if you’re always thinking, even before you take any action towards to your goal that it will be hard, you will have struggles, many obstacles to face, guess what? Something will come up for sure. So, what to do?  Change your thinking!


If what is familiar is not supporting you make it unfamiliar,
and you don’t need to worry anymore.


Doing so, your mind will make sure you will not go over it again. And it is a good thing! Take control over your subconscious mind. Make your conscious mind be the captain of your boat, of your life.




Here it is a simple strategy to apply every time a negative or fear-based thought comes to your mind, and start to change your life from today.


But how do you identify the negative or fear-based thought in the first place, right? Below you can find the instructions. Ask yourself:

Questions to the mind -


If the answer is YES, it’s your unconscious mind speaking. Remember it only wants to protect you, to keep you safe and alive. So now, using your reasoning (conscious mind) you can CHOOSE what is best for you.


Ask to yourself: Is this thought empowering me? Is this thought for my best interest? And if NOT you say:




NOW, if you want to change your life faster the best option is RTT. Underneath each repeating pattern there is a belief that is ingrained in your subconscious mind and is taking the control. That’s why it is important to address the thought using your conscious mind.


Using this technique, you will find out what caused this limiting belief in the first place and then change it into a new and more supportive belief and no need to worry anymore.


RTT will not only help you to accelerate the process but also make sure your mind creates a new thought pattern, and change automatically starts to happen. Click here and find what people are saying.



Stay connected 

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Your Friend,




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