Staying Home and Still Contributing Financially to the Family

Recent data shows 30% of the Australian households are in some sort of FINANCIAL STRESS – says David Taylor (ABCNews, Fev.2017). Distressing right? But don’t worry…every cloud has a silver lining.

OK… You’re a mum, and you came to a conclusion that your current full-time job barely pays your expenses with childcare and between dropping and picking-up the kids from childcare you only have one hour to be with them in the morning and afternoon. Besides, you are also missing the kinds growing up and don’t have enough time to build a relationship with them.


What can you do?

Well…there’s no a right or wrongs, you have to do what’s right for you and your family. Some mums:

  • are career orientated, want to return to work ASAP and pay childcare; or
  • have parents to help and they can still work full-time; or
  • work at their jobs on a part-time basis; or
  • cannot afford to stay home; or
  • stay and find a way to work from home.


The story I’m sharing below is a great example. Debbie, a wife and a mum of five, decided to be a stay-home mother and at the same time to help the family financially.


MY GUEST – Debbie Lehfeldt, a wife and mother of five.

Growing up I always knew I wanted to become a Mother and help others. After graduating from high school I joined a bank where I met my loving husband of 25 years. We have 5 beautiful children, one happy little dog and a guinea pig!


My husband has predominately been the sole income earner supporting our family during this time. I worked causally in retail when he was home to look after the children. At one point my husband changed careers and was studying as a full-time student so we had gone from a stable financial environment to one that at times kept us up at night.

What could I do?

The question always on my mind even once he graduated was “What could I do to contribute to the family income, take some of the FINANCIAL BURDEN off my husband whilst being at home around the children”? I was frustrated by this and was always looking for ways to do so.


Four years ago our 13 year old daughter started to get acne. Than began a year of finding solutions to help her with this. She was a happy confident little girl but began to come home saying “why can’t I have beautiful skin like my friends”. It was beginning to affect her. One day a girlfriend of mine called, she knew the struggles that my little girl was going through. She said she had come across something that she thought would help her. I trusted her.


My daughter used it that night and the very next day we could see huge changes in her skin, the redness had been reduced enormously and over the next four days her skin purged then began to heal very, very quickly. By the end of the week she said to me “Mummy I feel clean”. Tears welled up in me as I knew we had finally found a solution. My heart leapt for her!!


I excitedly began to tell my family and friends about her results and I had learnt that this product could also help with anti-aging, scarring, red hot itchy skin conditions and much more. My son had suffered with eczema and this was helping him too! I also thought I was going nuts as my pores were looking smaller and my lines were softening.


The opportunity

A couple of weeks later I received an email from the company that created the product saying that I had earned some income. I had no idea how and that was very curious to me. I learnt that because I had recommended their product to someone else and they used it I was FINANCIALLY REWARDED for it. The notion of this was crazy to me as I had always recommended things I loved to everyone. I thought to myself, could this be the answer to my frustrations of wanting to be at home with my children, and take some financial stress off my husband. I had a gut feeling about it and decided to learn more.


The next step

I learnt more about the company and the people behind it. I’d seen how they talked of love, respect and partnership and their mission is to “Create Beautiful Lives” around the world. I even had the pleasure of looking them in the eye and talking to them one on one. I am happy to tell you that they are some of the most wonderful kind, humble and strong human beings that I know. I trust them and know that they genuinely care about my family’s future.


As today

It has been three years since my daughter said “Mummy I feel clean” and I have continued to share this life changing skin technology. I literally wake up and think “who can I help today”. I am so grateful that my friend shared this with me. She cared enough to help my little girl but I don’t think she knowingly realised the other wonderful possibilities that this has brought into our lives.


I am surrounded by an incredibly dynamic community of friends and colleagues who support each other and want to elevate each other. I love how I get to help people with their skin with a product that works. I love the daily phone calls and messages that bring me tears of joy knowing how I have helped a baby with eczema or a teen with acne. It is an emotional product! I can now alleviate some of the financial burden that my husband has faced caring for a family of seven over the years.


The best thing is I can pay it forward and help others do the same. That feels so great!!! It has been an immensely empowering and a rewarding journey and it is only the beginning. I can be at home with my kids or anywhere I choose to be building this business. If I can do it so can you!


It just requires BELIEF, PERSISTENCE and a LOVE of serving others.


SO… YOU can start by having your own BUDGET to control your finances and look for opportunities to balance your life, just like the one mentioned above. 

Want to know more? GREAT…send me an email HEREOr click on the button


AND, If you know anyone who would find this useful, could you please share with them?

Your Friend,



4 Replies to “Staying Home and Still Contributing Financially to the Family”

  1. Thanks for sharing this story Ricardina. This is a true win-win situation and so many miss opportunities because they have a fixed mindset or misconceptions about direct sales.

    1. Yes Debra, a fixed mindset doesn’t help you to grow and see opportunities. Many people try direct sales and give-up because it doesn’t work for them, they accuse the system and pass that negative experience. But in fact, it doesn’t work because they don’t work properly, persistently and ethically. It’s their responsibility…there is no magic potion. After all, it is a business!!

  2. I loved your post. Honestly I always felt a bit wary of direct sales. Only because the people selling the product to me don’t seem to genuinely care for it, it’s a job.

    But the story you shared was great, she loved the product which makes pitching it so much better and less icky.

    Great post

    1. Thank you Jessica for leaving a comment. I totally understand you! I felt the same way but we can’t put all in the same bucket and also the dynamics in the industry are changing. Personal ethics are a key factor, in my opinion. That’s why I support and promote the company I am involved in. By the way, I found your work very interesting.

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