Are Millennials Delusional?

Studies show that 40% of millennials expect a promotion every 1-2 years. Unfortunately, great careers take years and effort to build, and even the most successful people are rarely doing anything that great in their early or mid-20s. For example, in my career of over 17 years, I had less than 10 promotions and salary increases alltogether.


HOWEVER, according to Ashley Stahl (Forbes, 2016), herself a GEN Y as well, “the impatience about getting promoted is not based on groundless entitlement or an over-inflated sense of talent or value…”. the motivator is to repay the student loan ASAP.


Either way, when you go into the real world and realise it is not that simple, that your expectations are too high; in an instant your entire self-esteem is shattered. Since you are no longer happy, you will be looking for another job, not giving enough time to build a career, and the problem goes on and on.


One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation. Arthur Ashe


It’s clear that corporations need to create mechanisms to adapt to the new generation characteristics, but you also have a role to play. As Simon Sinek suggests, you need to reflect in the following aspects for a better fit and results:

  • Build your confidence
  • Learn how to be patient
  • Learn social skills, establish physical relationships
  • Find balance between life and technology


Gen Y natives are motivated by reasons other than money or material things. Still, these are important, but they expect more substance, more depth, a deeper sense of emotional-spiritual fulfillment for their hard work and their achievements. Don’t be surprised if you see a considerable crowd in events such as “Embracing the World” by AMMA –  Hindu spiritual leader – that just happened last Saturday.


My guest today is a GEN Y native who loves surfing. Her willingness to risk, to move into the unknown, the adventurous spirit, the open mind attitude, and her kind nature are her identity.

The desire to travel, to connect with cultures, and to be able to make an IMPACT are her drivers. To do so, she looks for freedom to work from wherever.  She found that traditional jobs don’t provide the flexibility she needs so she decided to create her own business. She is now an entrepreneur, in her path to success and to discover the SELF.


MY GUEST:  Sabrina Chevrier, a Canadian living on the Gold Coast (Australia).

“I grew up in the Eastern part of Canada called the Madeleine Islands. Although it’s quite an isolated place, I was lucky to grow up very close to my aunt who is a keen traveler so I got to see the world out of my little island at quite a young age. As soon as I finished school, I left home to feed my desire to see the world. I jumped from job to job to finance my trips, but always felt like I was starting back from zero. I was looking for some stability, as well as the freedom to travel.


When I came to Australia for the first time, I completely fell in love with the country, and eventually, with my wonderful husband Lucas. For the first time since leaving school, I found a place that I liked enough to settle. I still had the travel bug so I needed to find a way to be able to travel and most of all to visit my family in Canada more regularly.



I found my dream job as a travel agent! I thought being a travel agent meant having lots of cheap trips on top of the regular annual leave allowance. I quickly found out that I had the wrong idea about the industry.  I loved the job, but having only 2 weeks off at the time, which meant in reality 9 days with my family, and not having frequent flight discounts wasn’t what I had planned.


I started getting really DEPRESSED and needed to find a greater purpose as I didn’t see myself continuing to work this hard with NO HOPE for longer holidays or a major salary increase. I needed to find a way to allow me to see my family for longer than 9 little days and visit a new country at least each year.



When I came back from Canada completely devastated that my trip was so short, I was introduced to NETWORK MARKETING. I didn’t know anything about this industry but I was told that eventually, if I kept going and built my business, I would have the FREEDOM TO WORK FROM WHEREVER I wanted to. That was good enough for me and I jumped in. I had many face plants but I was dedicated, and still am, to succeed in the only industry I see the possibilities of living my life on my terms.

What worries me the most about the future of my generation is that things are going really fast. Technology is going faster than we can keep up with. The cost of life gets higher and wages stay the same. I feel like buying a home is a “debt” sentence that I would carry for life with the wage I was making as a travel agent!!


HOWEVER, when I look at the network marketing business model, I see a risk free, low cost way of getting more time freedom while earning a living. If someone would tell me they found something better, I would be the first to have a look as I now know that keeping our mind open is crucial in this age, but so far, I haven’t come across something as good. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely a better way! Not only did the network marketing industry allow me to make some extra income, it has also allowed me to become a BETTER VERSION OF MYSELF, and become part of an exciting COMMUNITY.”


In this model, you are in business FOR YOURSELF, but never by yourself! People want you to succeed and they help you to do so if you are willing to be coached!



ARE YOU looking for other opportunities to balance your life? GREAT…send me an email HERE to get more information. Or click on the button and stay connected.


AND, If you know anyone who would find this useful, could you please share with them?


Your Friend,



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